@conference{Tollit-2019-584, author = {Tollit, D and Joy, R and Wood, J and Redden, A and Booth, C and Boucher, T and Porskamp, P and Oldreive, M}, title = {Baseline Presence of and Effects of Tidal Turbine Installation and Operations on Harbour Porpoise in Minas Passage, Bay of Fundy, Canada}, year = {2019}, month = {jan}, series = {Marine Renewables Canada 2018 Annual Conference}, pages = {22--48}, address = {Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada}, publisher = {The Journal of Ocean Technology}, url = {https://www.thejot.net/article-preview/?show_article_preview=1071}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Tidal, Avoidance, Noise, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans}, }