@article{Wei-2019-573366, author = {Wei, C-L and Cusson, M and Archambault, P and Belley, R and Brown, T and Burd, B and Edinger, E and Kenchington, E and Gilkinson, K and Lawton, P and Link, H and Ramey-Balci, P and Snelgrove, P}, title = {Seafloor biodiversity of Canada's three oceans: Patterns, hotspots and potential drivers}, journal = {Biodiversity Research}, year = {2019}, month = {dec}, publisher = {Wiley}, volume = {26}, number = {2}, doi = {10.1111/ddi.13013}, url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/ddi.13013}, keywords = {Habitat Change, Physical Environment}, }