@techreport{Gordon-2007-5670, author = {Gordon, J and Thompson, D and Gillespie, D and Lonergan, M and Calderan, S and Jaffey, B and Todd, V}, title = {Assessment of the Potential for Acoustic Deterrents to Mitigate the Impact on Marine Mammals of Underwater Noise Arising from the Construction of Offshore Windfarms}, institution = {SMRU Consulting}, year = {2007}, month = {jul}, number = {COWRIE DETER-01-2007}, url = {https://portal.medin.org.uk/portal/start.php?tpc=015_c8e3f67bdc085f7dbfc4df4c66a785fd}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Noise, Marine Mammals}, }