@inbook{Soukissian-2020-566795, author = {Soukissian, T and Veldeki, G and Damasiotis, M and Perakis, C and Barkouta, D and Chatjigeorgiou, I and Bougiouri, V}, title = {Developing marine renewable energy in the Mediterranean: The PELAGOS project}, chapter = {8}, publisher = {Taylor & Francis Group}, year = {2020}, month = {oct}, booktitle = {Developments in Renewable Energies Offshore}, address = {London}, pages = {55--64}, url = {https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/developing-marine-renewable-energy-mediterranean-case-pelagos-project-soukissian-veldeki-damasiotis-perakis-barkouta-chatjigeorgiou-bougiouri/e/10.1201/9781003134572-8}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data}, }