@inbook{Chan-2020-559620, author = {Chan, E and Tun, M and Graniel, J and Acevedo, E}, title = {Environmental Impact Assessment of the Operation of an Open Cycle OTEC 1MWe Power Plant in the Cozumel Island, Mexico}, chapter = {8}, publisher = {IntechOpen}, year = {2020}, month = {may}, booktitle = {Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) - Past, Present, and Progress}, doi = {10.5772/intechopen.90610}, url = {https://www.intechopen.com/books/ocean-thermal-energy-conversion-otec-past-present-and-progress/environmental-impact-assessment-of-the-operation-of-an-open-cycle-otec-1mwe-power-plant-in-the-cozum}, keywords = {Marine Energy, OTEC, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment}, }