@techreport{Nedwell-2003-5590, author = {Nedwell, J and Langworthy, J and Howell, D}, title = {Assessment of Sub-Sea Acoustic Noise and Vibration from Offshore Wind Turbines and its Impact on Marine Wildlife; Initial Measurements of Underwater Noise during Construction of Offshore Windfarms, and Comparison with Background Noise}, institution = {Subacoustech Ltd}, year = {2003}, month = {may}, number = {544 R 0424}, url = {https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Assessment-of-sub-sea-acoustic-noise-and-vibration-Hooper-Nedwell/e19b21d8082cb1a0297678d2496a3d1dacd23133}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Noise, Fish, Marine Mammals}, }