@techreport{Hoffmann-2000-5486, author = {Hoffmann, E and Astrup, J and Larsen, F and Munch-Petersen, S and Støttrup, J}, title = {Effects of Marine Windfarms on the Distribution of Fish, Shellfish and Marine Mammals in the Horns Rev Area}, institution = {Danish Institute for Fisheries Research}, year = {2000}, month = {may}, number = {DFU-rapport 117-02}, url = {http://orbit.dtu.dk/en/publications/effects-of-marine-windfarms-on-the-distribution-of-fish-shellfish-and-marine-mammals-in-the-horns-rev-area(ed9c228b-bfdf-4688-a4cb-154402df0a97).html}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Noise, Habitat Change, EMF, Avoidance, Attraction, Pinnipeds, Marine Mammals, Invertebrates, Fish}, }