@article{Manasseh-2017-544, author = {Manasseh, R and Sannasiraj, S and McInnes, K and Sundar, V and Jalihal, P}, title = {Integration of wave energy and other marine renewable energy sources with the needs of coastal societies}, journal = {The International Journal of Ocean and Climate Systems}, year = {2017}, month = {jan}, publisher = {SAGE Publications Ltd. }, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {19--36}, doi = {10.1177/1759313116683962}, url = {https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1759313116683962}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Wave, Tidal, OTEC, Fixed Offshore Wind, Ocean Current, Marine Energy, Social & Economic Data, Human Dimensions}, }