@techreport{Tougaard-2006-5322, author = {Tougaard, J and Tougaard, S and Jensen, R and Jensen, T and Teilmann, J and Adelung, D and Liebsch, N and Müller, G}, title = {Harbour Seals at Horns Reef Before, During and After Construction of Horns Rev Offshore Wind Farm}, institution = {National Environmental Research Institute (NERI)}, year = {2006}, month = {oct}, url = {https://pure.au.dk/portal/en/publications/harbour-seals-on-horns-reef-before-during-and-after-construction-of-the-horns-rev-offshore-wind-farm-final-report-to-vattenfall-as(5bedda30-7e9e-11dd-a5a8-000ea68e967b).html}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Habitat Change, Marine Mammals, Pinnipeds}, }