@article{Fijn-2012-4790, author = {Fijn, R and Poot, M and Beuker, D and Bouma, S and Collier, M and Dirksen, S and Krijgsveld, K and Lensink, R}, title = {Using Standardised Counting Methods for Seabirds to Monitor Marine Mammals in the Dutch North Sea from Fixed Platforms}, journal = {Lutra}, year = {2012}, month = {jan}, publisher = {Zoogdiervereniging}, volume = {55}, number = {2}, pages = {77--87}, url = {http://www.zoogdierwinkel.nl/sites/default/files/imce/nieuwesite/Winkel/pdf%20download/Lutra%2055%282%29_Fijn%20et%20al_2012.pdf}, keywords = {Marine Mammals}, }