@techreport{Bolle-2011-4552, author = {Bolle, L and de Jong, C and Bierman, S and de Haan, D and Huijer, T and Kaptein, D and Lohman, M and Tribuhl, S and van Beek, P and van Damme, C and van den Berg, F and van der Heul, J and van Keeken, O and Wessels, P and Winter, E}, title = {Shortlist Masterplan Wind - Effect of Piling Noise on Survival of Fish Larvae (pilot study)}, institution = {IMARES - Wageningen UR}, year = {2011}, month = {jun}, number = {CO92/11}, url = {https://www.wur.nl/en/Publication-details.htm?publicationId=publication-way-343039303633}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Noise, Fish, Demersal Fish}, }