@techreport{Andersen-2008-4415, author = {Andersen, M and Forney, K and Cole, T and Eagle, T and Angliss, R and Long, K and Barre, L and Atta, L and Borggaard, D and Rowles, T and Norberg, B and Whaley, J and Engleby, L}, title = {Differentiating Serious and Non-Serious Injury of Marine Mammals: Report of the Serious Injury Technical Workshop}, institution = {National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)}, year = {2008}, month = {sep}, number = {NMFS-OPR-39 }, url = {https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/resource/document/differentiating-serious-and-non-serious-injury-marine-mammals-report-serious}, keywords = {Marine Mammals}, }