@article{Moore-2013-4403, author = {Moore, M and van der Hoop, J and Barco, S and Costidis, A and Gulland, F and Jepson, P and Moore, K and Raverty, S and McLellan, W}, title = {Criteria and Case Definitions for Serious Injury and Death of Pinnipeds and Cetaceans Caused by Anthropogenic Trauma}, journal = {Diseases of Aquatic Organisms}, year = {2013}, month = {apr}, publisher = {Inter-Research}, volume = {103}, pages = {229--264}, doi = {10.3354/dao02566}, url = {https://www.int-res.com/abstracts/dao/v103/n3/p229-264/}, keywords = {Noise, Collision, Pinnipeds, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans}, }