@article{Kerlinger-2012-4088, author = {Kerlinger, P and Guarnaccia, J and Hasch, A and Culver, R and Curry, R and Tran, L and Stewart, M and Riser-Espinoza, D}, title = {Avian Collision Mortality at 50- and 60- m Guyed Towers in Central California}, journal = {The Condor}, year = {2012}, month = {feb}, publisher = {BioOne}, volume = {114}, number = {3}, pages = {462--469}, doi = {10.1525/cond.2012.110157 }, url = {http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.1525/cond.2012.110157}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Habitat Change, Birds, Passerines}, }