@article{Lovich-2011-4056, author = {Lovich, J and Ennen, J and Madrak, S and Meyer, K and Loughran, C and Bjurlin, C and Adundel, T and Turner, W and Jones, C and Groenendaal, G}, title = {Effects of wind energy production on growth, demography, and survivorship of a desert tortoise population in Southern California with comparisons to natural populations}, journal = {Herpetological Conservation and Biology}, year = {2011}, month = {jun}, publisher = {United States Geological Survey}, volume = {6}, number = {2}, pages = {161--174}, url = {http://www.herpconbio.org/Volume_6/Issue_2/Lovich_etal_2011.pdf}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Habitat Change, Reptiles}, }