@article{Perez-Garcia-2013-4022, author = {Perez-Garcia, J and Margalida, A and Afonso, I and Ferreiro, E and Gardiazabal, A and Botella, F and Sanchez-Zapata, J}, title = {Interannual Home Range Variation, Territoriality and Overlap in Breeding Bonelli's Eagles (Aquila fasciata) Tracked by GPS Satellite Telemetry}, journal = {Journal of Ornithology}, year = {2013}, month = {jan}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, volume = {154}, number = {1}, pages = {63--71}, doi = {10.1007/s10336-012-0871-x}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10336-012-0871-x}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Raptors, Birds}, }