@techreport{Krijgsveld-2008-3727, author = {Krijgsveld, K and Fijn, R and Heunks, C and van Horssen, P and de Fouw, J and Collier, M and Poot, M and Meesters, E and Dirksen, S}, title = {Effect Studies Offshore Wind Farm Egmond aan Zee: Progress Report on Fluxes and Behaviour of Flying Birds}, institution = {Bureau Waardenburg bv}, year = {2008}, month = {mar}, number = {08-028}, url = {http://www.buwa.nl/fileadmin/buwa_upload/Bureau_Waardenburg_rapporten/06-467_flux___flight_patterns_birds_OWEZ_1st_interim_report_Bureau_Waardenburg_2008.pdf}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Habitat Change, Birds}, }