@conference{Simas-2012-3625, author = {Simas, T and Muñoz-Arjona, E and Huertas, C and de Groot, J and Stokes, C and Bailey, I and Magagna, D and Conley, D and Greaves, D and Marina, D and Torre-Enciso, Y and Sundberg, J and O'Hagan, A and Holmes, B}, title = {Understanding the Role of Stakeholders in the Wave Energy Consenting Process: Engagement and Sensitivities}, year = {2012}, month = {oct}, series = {4th International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2012)}, pages = {1--6}, address = {Dublin, Ireland}, url = {https://www.icoe-conference.com/publication/understanding_the_role_of_stakeholders_in_the_wave_energy_consenting_process_engagement_and_sensitivities/}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Wave, Human Dimensions, Stakeholder Engagement}, }