@conference{Bontadina-2014-3603, author = {Bontadina, F and Beck, A and Dietrich, A and Dobner, M and Eicher, C and Frey-Ehrenbold, A and Krainer, K and Loecher, F and Maerki, K and Mattei-Roesli, M and Mixanig, H and Plank, M and Vorauer, A and Wegleitner, S and Widerin, K and Wieser, D and Wimmer, B and Reiter, G}, title = {Massive Bat Migration Across the Alps: Implications for Wind Energy Development}, year = {2014}, month = {oct}, series = {13th European Bat Research Symposium}, pages = {1}, address = {Šibenik, Croatia}, url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266476619_Massive_bat_migration_across_the_Alps_implications_for_wind_energy_development}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Collision, Bats}, }