@techreport{Bevanger-2008-3517, author = {Bevanger, K and Follestad, A and Gjershaug, J and Halley, D and Hanssen, F and Johnsen, L and May, R and Nygård, T and Pedersen, H and Reitan, O and Steinheim, Y}, title = {Pre- and Post-Construction Studies of Conflicts Between Birds and Wind Turbines in Coastal Norway: Status Report 1st January 2008}, institution = {Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA)}, year = {2008}, month = {jan}, number = {NINA Report 355}, url = {http://www.nina.no/archive/nina/PppBasePdf/rapport/2008/355.pdf}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Birds, Raptors}, }