@conference{Ramirez-Mendoza-2015-3325, author = {Ramírez-Mendoza, R and Amoudry, L and Thorne, P and Cooke, R and Simmons, S and McLelland, S and Murphy, B and Parsons, D and Jordan, L and Vybulkova, L}, title = {Impact of Scaled Tidal Stream Turbine over Mobile Sediment Beds}, year = {2015}, month = {sep}, series = {11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2015)}, pages = {6}, address = {Nantes, France}, url = {http://nora.nerc.ac.uk/512873/1/mobile_bed_mods.pdf}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Tidal, Changes in Flow, Physical Environment, Sediment Transport}, }