@article{Maccarrone-2015-3295, author = {Maccarrone, V and Filiciotto, F and de Vincenzi, G and Mazzola, S and Buscaino, G}, title = {An Italian Proposal on the Monitoring of Underwater Noise: Relationship Between the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and Marine Spatial Planning Directive (MSP)}, journal = {Ocean & Coastal Management}, year = {2015}, month = {dec}, publisher = {Elsevier}, volume = {118}, pages = {215--224}, doi = {10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2015.07.006}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0964569115001908}, keywords = {Noise, Marine Spatial Planning, Human Dimensions}, }