@article{Cox-2006-2898, author = {Cox, T and Ragen, T and Read, A and Vos, E and Baird, R and Balcomb, K and Barlow, J and Caldwell, J and Cranford, T and Crum, L and D'Amico, A and Spain, G and Fernandez, A and Finneran, J and Gentry, R and Gerth, W and Gulland, F and Hildebrand, J and Houser, D and Hullar, T and Jepson, P and Ketten, C and MacLeod, C and Miller, P and Moore, S and Mountain, D and Palka, D and Ponganis, P and Rommel, S and Rowles, T and Taylor, B and Tyack, P and Wartzok, D and Gisiner, R and Mead, J and Benner, L}, title = {Understanding the Impacts of Anthropogenic Sound on Beaked Whales}, journal = {Journal of Cetacean Research and Management}, year = {2006}, month = {jan}, publisher = {WHOI Computerized Scanning and Imaging Facility (CSI)}, volume = {7}, number = {3}, pages = {177--187}, url = {http://csi.whoi.edu/biblio/understanding-impacts-anthropogenic-sound-beaked-whales}, keywords = {Noise, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans}, }