@techreport{Murray-2015-2847, author = {Murray, R and Maclver, R and Reddy, N and Venugopal, V and Baston, S and Waldman, S and Side, J and Fairley, I and Karunarathna, H and Sabatino, A and Clement, R and Heath, M and McKee, D and Serpetti, N}, title = {TeraWatt Position Papers: A "Toolbox" of Methods to Better Understand and Assess the Effects of Tidal and Wave Energy Arrays on the Marine Environment}, institution = {Heriot-Watt University}, year = {2015}, month = {aug}, url = {https://www.masts.ac.uk/media/35656/position_papers_terawatt_e-book.pdf}, keywords = {Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy, Changes in Flow, Water Quality, Sediment Transport, Physical Environment}, }