@conference{Bald-2012-2816, author = {Bald, J and Del Campo, A and Franco, J and Galparsoro, I and Gonzalez, M and Hernández, C and Liria, P and Menchaca, I and Muxika, I and Solaun, O and Uriarte, A and Uyarra, M}, title = {The Biskay Marine Energy Platform (bimep), Environmental Impacts and Monitoring Plan}, year = {2012}, month = {oct}, series = {4th International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2012)}, pages = {6}, address = {Dublin, Ireland}, url = {https://www.icoe-conference.com/publication/the_biskay_marine_energy_platform_bimep_environmental_impacts_and_monitoring_plan/}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment}, }