@conference{Conley-2014-2785, author = {Conley, D and Magagna, D and Greaves, D and Aires, E and Leitão, J and Witt, M and Embling, C and Godley, B and Bicknell, A and Saulnier, J and Simas, T and O'Hagan, A and O'Callaghan, J and Holmes, B and Sundberg, J and Torre-Enciso, Y and Marina, D}, title = {Analysis of Experience from Environmental Impact Assessments of Wave Energy Test Centres}, year = {2014}, month = {apr}, series = {Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewables (EIMR) 2014}, address = {Stornoway, Scotland, UK}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Wave, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment}, }