@conference{Bell-2014-2725, author = {Bell, P and McCann, D and Scott, B and Williamson, B and Waggitt, J and Ashton, I and Johanning, L and Blondel, P and Creech, A and Ingram, D and Norris, J and Finn, M and Torres, R and Cazenave, P and Conley, D and Greaves, D and Savidge, G and Armstrong, E and Hall, C and Kennedy, R and O'Carroll, J}, title = {Flow and Benthic Ecology 4D - FLOWBEC - An Overview}, year = {2014}, month = {may}, series = {Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewables (EIMR) 2014}, pages = {20}, address = {Stornoway, Scotland, UK}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Invertebrates}, }