@article{Stuiver-2016-2697, author = {Stuiver, M and Soma, K and Koundouri, P and van den Burg, S and Gerritsen, A and Harkamp, T and Dalsgaard, N and Zagonari, F and Guanche, R and Schouten, J and Hommes, S and Giannouli, A and Soderqvist, T and Rosen, L and Garcao, R and Norrman, J and Rockmann, C and de Bel, M and Zanuttigh, B and Petersen, O and Mohlenberg, F}, title = {The Governance of Multi-Use Platforms at Sea for Energy Production and Aquaculture: Challenges for Policy Makers in European Seas}, journal = {Sustainability}, year = {2016}, month = {apr}, publisher = {MDPI}, volume = {8}, number = {4}, pages = {333}, doi = {10.3390/su8040333}, url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/8/4/333/htm}, keywords = {Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy}, }