@article{Veers-2019-263633, author = {Veers, P and Dykes, K and Lantz, E and Barth, S and Bottasso, C and Carlson, O and Clifton, A and Green, J and Green, P and Holttinen, H and Laird, D and Lehtomaki, V and Lundquist, J and Manwell, J and Marquis, M and Meneveau, C and Moriarty, P and Munduate, X and Muskulus, M and Naughton, J and Pao, L and Paquette, J and Peinke, J and Robertson, A and Rodrigo, J and Sempreviva, A and Smith, J and Tuohy, A and Wiser, R}, title = {Grand challenges in the science of wind energy}, journal = {Science}, year = {2019}, month = {oct}, publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of Science}, volume = {366}, number = {6464}, pages = {2027}, doi = {10.1126/science.aau2027}, url = {https://science.sciencemag.org/content/366/6464/eaau2027}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Habitat Change}, }