@techreport{LeBeau-2016-2600, author = {LeBeau, C and Johnson, G and Holloran, M and Beck, J and Nielson, R and Kauffman, M and Rodemaker, E and McDonald, T}, title = {Effects of a Wind Energy Development on Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat Selection and Population Demographics in Southeastern Wyoming}, institution = {University of Wyoming}, year = {2016}, month = {jan}, url = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chad_Lebeau2/publication/293652675_Effects_of_a_Wind_Energy_Development_on_Greater_Sage-Grouse_Habitat_Selection_and_Population_Demographics_in_Southeastern_Wyoming/links/56ba40f608ae3af6847d6e31.pdf}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Ground-Nesting Birds, Birds}, }