@techreport{Brandt-2016-2594, author = {Brandt, M and Dragon, A and Diederichs, A and Schubert, A and Kosarev, V and Nehls, G and Wahl, V and Michalik, A and Braasch, A and Hinz, C and Ketzer, C and Todeskino, D and Gauger, M and Laczny, M and Piper, W}, title = {Effects of Offshore Pile Driving on Harbour Porpoise Abundance in the German Bight: Assessment of Noise Effects}, institution = {BioConsult SH}, year = {2016}, month = {jun}, url = {https://usrd.iogp.org/resource/effects-of-offshore-pile-driving-on-harbour-porpoise-abundance-in-the-german-bight-assessment-of-noise-effects/}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Noise, Marine Mammals}, }