@techreport{Arapogianni-2013-2359, author = {Arapogianni, A and Genachte, A and Ochagavia, R and Vergara, J and Castell, D and Tsouroukdissian, A and Korbijn, J and Bolleman, N and Huera-Huarte, F and Schuon, F and Ugarte, A and Sandberg, J and de Laleu, V and Maciel, J and Tunbjer, A and Roth, R and de la Gueriviere, P and Coulombeau, P and Jadrec, S and Philippe, C and Voutsinas, S and Weinstein, A and Vita, L and Byklum, E and Hurley, W and Grubel, H}, title = {Deep Water: The Next Step for Offshore Wind Energy}, institution = {European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)}, year = {2013}, month = {jul}, url = {http://www.ewea.org/report/deep-water}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind}, }