@conference{Dubourg-Savage-2011-2337, author = {Dubourg-Savage, M and Rodrigues, L and Santos, H and Georgiakakis, P and Papadatou, E and Bach, L and Rydell, J}, title = {Pattern of bat fatalities at wind turbines in Europe: comparing north and south}, year = {2011}, month = {may}, series = {1st Conference on Wind Energy and Wildlife Impacts (CWW 2011)}, address = {Trondheim, Norway}, url = {http://cww2011.nina.no/Portals/cww2011/DynamicForms_Uploads/6d440b0a-dcd2-4284-aec3-d5fdc7c0fd0c.pdf}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Bats}, }