@conference{Mantoiu-2015-2292, author = {Măntoiu, D and Chisamera, G and Chachula, O and Marginean, G and Pocora, I and Pocora, V and Hodor, C and Stanciu, C and Popescu-Mirceni, R and Alexandra, T and Dragoş, B and Şandric, I}, title = {A bat fatality risk model at wind farms in Dobrogea, Romania, using a GIS approach}, year = {2015}, month = {mar}, series = {4th International Berlin Bat Meeting: Movement Ecology of Bats}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/273767550_A_bat_fatality_risk_model_at_wind_farms_in_Dobrogea_Romania_using_a_GIS_approach}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Bats, Ecosystem Processes}, }