@conference{Schneider-2011-2214, author = {Schneider, D and Trenc, N and Ivičić, B and Radović, D and Pavlinić, I and Peternel, H}, title = {Appropriate assessment of plans and projects for Croatian National Ecological Network - utilization of bird and bat impact zonation in the southern coastal part of Croatia}, year = {2011}, month = {may}, series = {1st Conference on Wind Energy and Wildlife Impacts (CWW 2011)}, address = {Trondheim, Norway}, url = {http://cww2011.nina.no/Portals/cww2011/DynamicForms_Uploads/53f95094-6241-46d2-b4d8-b9775710e5ca.pdf}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Bats, Birds}, }