@techreport{Simas-2013-2149, author = {Simas, T and O'Hagan, A and Bailey, I and Greaves, D and Marina, D and Sundberg, J and Le Crom, I}, title = {SOWFIA Deliverable D.4.6 - Final Work Package Report: Consenting Procedures Review with Guidelines for Expansion to Larger Projects and Approval Process Streamlining, Incorporating the Findings of Interim Report and Feedback from Workshop D}, institution = {WavEC Offshore Renewables}, year = {2013}, month = {nov}, number = {IEE/09/809/SI2.558291}, url = {https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/uploads/production/document/path/8/8939/WP4_-_Final_Report.pdf}, keywords = {Wave, Marine Energy, Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions}, }