@techreport{Carton-2017-2116, author = {Carton, G and DuVal, C and Trembanis, A and Edwards, M and Rognstad, M and Briggs, C and Shjegstad, S}, title = {Munitions and Explosives of Concern Survey Methodology and In-Field Testing for Wind Energy Areas on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf}, institution = {CALIBRE Systems Inc}, year = {2017}, month = {jul}, number = {OCS Study BOEM 2017-063}, url = {https://www.boem.gov/Munitions-and-Explosives-of-Concern-Survey-Methodology-and-In-field-Testing-for-Wind-Energy-Areas-on-the-Atlantic-Outer-Continental-Shelf/}, keywords = {Fixed Offshore Wind, Marine Energy}, }