@techreport{Vanermen-2018-, author = {Vanermen, N and Courtens, W and Daelemans, R and Van de walle, M and Verstraete, H and Stienen, E}, title = {Seabird monitoring at the Thornton Bank offshore wind farm: Lesser black-backed gull distribution in and around the wind farm using GPS logger data}, institution = {Instituut voor Natuur en BosOnderzoek (INBO)}, year = {2018}, month = {jan}, number = {69}, address = {Brussels, Belgium}, doi = {10.21436/inbor.14850390}, url = {https://purews.inbo.be/ws/portalfiles/portal/15154532/Vanermen_etal_2018_SeabirdMonitoringAtTheWindFarmUsingGPSLoggerData.pdf}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Changes in Flow, Birds, Seabirds}, }