@article{Michael-2024-2080445, author = {Michael, P and Gleason, J and Haney, J and Hixson, K and Satge, Y and Jodice, P}, title = {Black Terns (Chlidonias niger) beyond the breeding grounds: Occurrence, relative density, and habitat associations in the northern Gulf of Mexico}, journal = {The Wilson Journal of Ornithology}, year = {2024}, month = {jun}, volume = {136}, number = {2}, pages = {220--236}, doi = {10.1676/23-00069}, url = {https://bioone.org/journals/the-wilson-journal-of-ornithology/volume-136/issue-2/23-00069/Black-Terns-Chlidonias-niger-beyond-the-breeding-grounds--Occurrence/10.1676/23-00069.short}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Displacement, Habitat Change, Birds}, }