@techreport{Teige-2023-2080438, author = {Teige, E and Maxwell, L and Jordan, S and Rutherford, T and Dietrich, E and Samuel, E and Stoneburner, A and Kleist, N and Meineke, J and Selby, L and Foster, A and Carter, S}, title = {Annotated Bibliography of Scientific Research on Greater Sage-Grouse Published from October 2019 to July 2022}, institution = {US Geological Survey (USGS)}, year = {2023}, month = {nov}, number = {2331-1258}, address = {Reston, United States of America}, doi = {10.3133/ofr20231082}, url = {https://pubs.usgs.gov/publication/ofr20231082}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Habitat Change, Birds, Ground-Nesting Birds}, }