@conference{Vail-Muse-2024-2080411, author = {Vail-Muse, S}, title = {Offshore Wind Energy Development and Compensatory Mitigation in the Northeast Region}, year = {2024}, month = {jul}, series = {2024 State of the Science Workshop on Offshore Wind Energy, Wildlife, and Fisheries ​ ​}, pages = {11}, address = {Long Island, New York, USA}, url = {https://www.boem.gov/sites/default/files/documents/environment/environmental-studies/SOSW-CMOSW%20-%20Stephanie%20Vail%20Muse%20NYSERDA%20Presentation_Compensatory%20Mitigation_July%202024_508%20Compliant.pdf}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind, Birds, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy, Stakeholder Engagement}, }