@article{Miller-2023-2080339, author = {Miller, T and Lanzone, M and Braham, M and Duerr, A and Cooper, J and Somershoe, S and Hanni, D and Soehren, E and Threadgill, C and Maddox, M and Stober, J and Kelly, C and Salo, T and Berry, A and Martell, M and Mehus, S and Dirks, B and Sargent, R and Katzner, T}, title = {Winter Distribution of Golden Eagles in the Eastern USA}, journal = {Journal of Raptor Research}, year = {2023}, month = {dec}, publisher = {BioOne}, volume = {57}, number = {4}, pages = {522--532}, doi = {10.3356/JRR-23-00012}, url = {https://bioone.org/journals/journal-of-raptor-research/volume-57/issue-4/JRR-23-00012/Winter-Distribution-of-Golden-Eagles-in-the-Eastern-USA/10.3356/JRR-23-00012.short}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Birds, Raptors}, }