@article{Wallace-2024-2080323, author = {Wallace, Z and Bedrosian, B and Dunk, J and LaPlante, D and Woodbridge, B and Smith, B and Brown, J and Lickfett, T and Gura, K and Bittner, D and Crandall, R and Domenech, R and Katzner, T and Kritz, K and Lewis, S and Lockhart, M and Miller, T and Quint, K and Shreading, A and Slater, S and Stahlecker, D}, title = {Predicting the spatial distribution of wintering golden eagles to inform full annual cycle conservation in western North America}, journal = {Plos One}, year = {2024}, month = {jan}, volume = {19}, number = {1}, pages = {0297345}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0297345}, url = {https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0297345}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Birds, Raptors}, }