@techreport{Ariza-2023-2080178, author = {Ariza, A and Diogoul, N and Gastauer, s and Handegard, N and Jech, M and Khodabandeloo, B and Le Bouffant, N and Lebourges-Dhaussy, A and Lee, W-J and Macaulay, G and Receveur, A and Ryan, T and Sakinan, S and Stevens, J and Sullivan, P and Viehmann, H and Wall, C and Warren, J and Wieczorek, A and Zydlewski, G}, title = {IECS Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology (WGFAST)}, institution = {International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)}, year = {2023}, month = {sep}, doi = {10.17895/ices.pub.24190512}, url = {https://ices-library.figshare.com/articles/report/Working_Group_on_Fisheries_Acoustics_Science_and_Technology_WGFAST_/24190512?file=42507580}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind, Noise, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Fisheries}, }