@article{Udell-2024-2079747, author = {Udell, B and Straw, B and Loeb, S and Irvine, K and Thogmartin, W and Lausen, C and Reichard, J and Coleman, J and Cryan, P and Frick, W and Reichert, B}, title = {Using mobile acoustic monitoring and false-positive N-mixture models to estimate bat abundance and population trends}, journal = {Ecological Monographs}, year = {2024}, month = {jul}, publisher = {The Ecological Society of America}, volume = {Early View}, pages = {1617}, doi = {10.1002/ecm.1617}, url = {https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ecm.1617}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Bats}, }