@conference{Walls-2013-2079646, author = {Walls, R and Shenton, S and Knott, E and Lancaster, J and Canning, S and Lye, G and Pendlebury, C}, title = {Best Practice Ecological Analysis Methods for Offshore Wind in UK: Case study: Robin Rigg Offshore Wind Farm – An integrated approach the Marine Environmental Monitoring Plan (MEMP)}, year = {2013}, month = {feb}, series = {2nd Conference on Wind Energy and Wildlife Impacts (CWW 2013)}, pages = {31}, address = {Stockholm, Sweden}, organization = {E.ON}, url = {https://eolien-biodiversite.com/IMG/pdf/npc_cwe_best_practice_methods_rr_memp_06022013_submitted.pdf}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Displacement, Birds, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment}, }