@techreport{Anatec-2002-2078918, author = {Anatec and Binnie, Black and Veatch and Cousins Environmental Consultants and E4 Environment Ltd and Ecology Consulting and ERM and Furgo and Garrad Hassan and Hayes & McKenzie Partnership and HR Wallingford Ltd and NC Trawlers Ltd and NERI and QinetiQ and RSK Group and Titan Environmental Surveys, Ltd and West Coast Energy Ltd and Wessex Archaeology}, title = {Rhyl Flats Environmental Impact Assessment}, institution = {Anatec}, year = {2002}, month = {jan}, url = {https://www.marinedataexchange.co.uk/details/TCE-1854/2002-npower-renewables-ltd-rhyl-flats-environmental-impact-assessment}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind}, }