@techreport{Woodward-2023-2077544, author = {Woodward, I and Franks, S and Bowgen, K and Davies, J and Green, R and Griffin, L and Mitchell, C and O'Hanlon, N and Pollock, C and Rees, E and Tremlett, C and Wright, L and Cook, A}, title = {Strategic study of collision risk for birds on migration and further development of the stochastic collision risk modelling tool}, institution = {Scottish Government}, year = {2023}, month = {oct}, url = {https://www.gov.scot/publications/strategic-study-collision-risk-birds-migration-further-development-stochastic-collision-risk-modelling-tool-work-package-1-strategic-review-birds-migration-scottish-waters/documents/}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind, Collision, Birds, Seabirds}, }