@techreport{Layton-Matthews-2023-2076662, author = {Layton-Matthews, K and Buckingham, L and Critchley, E and Nilsson, A and Ollus, V and Ballesteros, M and Christensen-Dalsgaard, S and Dehnhard, N and Fauchald, P and Hanssen, F and Helberg, M and Masden, E and May, R and Sandvik, H and Tarroux, A and Reiertsen, T}, title = {Development of a Cumulative Impact Assessment tool for birds in Norwegian Offshore Waters: Trollvind OWF as a case study}, institution = {Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA)}, year = {2023}, month = {jun}, number = {1504-3312}, address = {Tromsø, Norway}, url = {https://pure.uhi.ac.uk/en/publications/development-of-a-cumulative-impact-assessment-tool-for-birds-in-n/fingerprints/}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Habitat Change, Birds}, }