@techreport{Brodie-2023-2076660, author = {Brodie, J and Manhard, R and Krebs, J and Lozano, C and Morales, L and Baggett, L and Fuchs, E and Miles, T and Nazzaro, L and Crowley, M and Fields, D}, title = {Oceanographic Effects of Offshore Wind Structures and Their Potential Impacts on the North Atlantic Right Whale and Their Prey}, institution = {AKRF (Allee King Rosen & Fleming)}, year = {2023}, month = {oct}, url = {https://cleanpower.org/resources/oceanographic-effects-of-osw-structures-and-potential-impacts-on-the-north-atlantic-right-whale/}, keywords = {Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind, Changes in Flow, Marine Mammals, Cetaceans}, }